Welcome to our everyday chemistry collection in which you will discover how everyday chemistry sparks innovation

Chemistry is something we encounter every moment of every day. Its application can start the moment your lithium-powered phone alarm wakes you at an unreasonable hour through to the chemical extraction of phenolics from the herbal tea you drink before falling asleep.

Among the myriad benefits it brings to our everyday lives, innovation within chemistry delivers crucial access to medicine, better connects us and helps protect our families. The research underpinning the products that are so familiar in our lives is often far from ordinary. Across the world every day the brightest minds in chemistry transform inspiring ideas into useful technology and tools.

Notch Communications and Chemistry World’s latest digital supplement highlights the everyday work making an incredible difference to daily life. We are delighted to share the inspiring stories of those at the forefront of chemistry – who strive to deliver real-world solutions that advance society and make life easier and more fruitful day in, day out.

In this supplement, Waters Corporation explores what goes on behind the scenes in bringing technology to market. We hear from Umicore about how metathesis catalysts significantly ease the day-to-day activities of process chemists developing a plethora of complex compounds. Our partners at Johnson Matthey outline how they can prevent accidental poisoning by household product ingestion. CPI shows how its Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre is uniting big pharma to improve everyday access to medicine. Stream Bio explores the diverse applications of magnetism – from refrigerator reminder notes to cutting-edge disease diagnostics.

Next, we want to highlight the extraordinary collaborative efforts that are delivering the next wave of innovation by showcasing the incredible and surprising partnerships taking place across chemistry R&D. If you have a story to tell, please get in touch.