Fawzi Abou-Chahine

Fawzi is passionate about sustainable technology and promoting career development within academia. He is the author of “A Jobseeker’s Diary”, a career guidance book aimed at PhDs who are unsure of their next career move. A thirst for knowledge led him to a PhD in physical chemistry, and a post-doc position where he applied specialist analysis techniques to validate potential solar cell materials. However, he was soon drawn to the complementary, but seemingly alien world of commerce. That same love for learning new things led him to a career in sales and finance. Now, he applies those transferable skills a PhD taught him, but in alternative ways, such as evaluating new technology, communicating it to lay people, and raising funding for research. This career pivot was fraught with difficulty, and so few PhDs share first hand experiences of their career challenges. This is why he shares candid experiences of successes and failures, to help demystify the realities of employment.